Quiz Instructions
- Read the first question and decide on your answer.
- If there is a picture clue with the question, click it to see a larger version. Press the 'close x' button to return to the quiz.
- Once you have decided on your answer, click 'Show Answer' to reveal the correct answer.
- Judge if your answer is correct - you do not have to match the exact wording of the answer.
- If you are correct, click the box on the right that loks like this:
- Two of the questions also reveal pictures when you press 'Show Answer'. Watch out for these.
- Repeat the above steps for each subsequent question.
- When you have attempted all the questions, click 'Calculate Score' at the bottom of the page to find out your total score and rating.
- You can try the quiz as many times as you like.
- To finish using the quiz, click 'Back to Gimswood.com' on the left panel
- You can restart the quiz at any point by clicking 'Restart the quiz' on the left panel
- Clicking 'Quiz Instructions' will bring you to this page, but then you already knew that, didn't you?
- Have fun!