Gimswood Anthem
Picture a meadow
Unkempt, without love
Covered in nettles and
Swamp loving shrub
No pretty picture
As wilderness grew
Just waiting for someone
To come along who
Would create a new vision
Love, nurture and tend
Planting a woodland
A means to an end
Taking a wasteland and
Helping it grow into
Somewhere for all
Generations to go
She was a woman
Whose childhood held dreams
Of planting a woodland
Where nature and streams
Mingled amongst planted
Trees by the score
And as the years passed by
She dreamed all the more
About finding some woodland
To nurture and tend,
Or making some wasteland
A means to an end,
To grow as diverse a tree type
As she could
And she planned to call this
New haven Gims Wood
In the fullness of time
And with destiny’s hand
That wilderness meadow
Became her own land
Her dreams now fulfilled
She enjoys nothing more
Than peacefully walking
Through trees by the score
She has found her own woodland
To nurture and tend,
With custodian status
A means to an end,
To witness her haven mature
Feels so good
And the name of this
Magical place is Gims Wood
She has realised her dreams
About meadows and trees
That are growing as woodland
To sway in the breeze
From dreams to a legacy
It’s understood
That for all generations
She nurtures Gims Wood
To witness her woodland mature
Feels so good
And the name of this
Magical place is Gims Wood
© Miriam Giles
August 2008
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