Winter / Spring 2014
What a wet few months it has been. The ground has at last dried out and the ruts are not too bad, considering. There has been traffic through the rides when repair work on the bridge was done, pollarding and fencing in the meadow.
The fencing work was in preparation for putting cattle in to manage the meadow. Now all they need is a supply of water and they will prepare the ground ready to receive the wild flower seed that is scheduled to arrive in July. Time is running out and I do not know what the situation is regarding the water supply. The farmer who was to do the job will not answer his phone. So all I can do is wait.
On the positive side the daffodils did not seem to be put off by lying in water for much of the winter. The bird boxes we put up in the autumn are being used, but there is no way of telling if the bat boxes are being used. The only trouble about the bird boxes is that they were set up to house tree sparrows and the blue tits have taken over. However, I am delighted that someone wants to use the boxes and by now could be feeding little ones, so we will not disturb them at all. Nature will have its way, regardless!