March 2004
It has been a quiet, resting time since the frantic activity of the tree planting in December. Some small plants were put in to the open area in Rye Field next to the scrapes: primroses, cowslips, white violets and ragged robin. The rabbits have been very active, so the hope is that the young plants will survive. A muntjac deer has been eating a couple of the young trees and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
The ponds and scrapes filled well during the winter rains, but again it is now too dry and the water levels are falling. We need rain!!!
The Forestry Commission representative has visited the site. He is very pleased with the activity so far and has approved the projected ideas for the final field to be planted in winter 04/05.
The Electricity Board has surveyed the prospective route where the overhead power lines will be put underground. There will not be enough money to do it in this financial year, but hopefully the work will be completed by June. That will mean that there will be no competition between power lines and trees, so I need not worry about damage during high winds.
The digger will return soon to create the last of the ponds and scrapes. Then the construction work will have been done. I look forward to this time next year when all the trees and shrubs will be planted and there will be nothing to do for a while!
Meanwhile I rejoice at the buds starting to burst on the young trees. Spring is here!